Dictionary definition of a sunshiney day. So beautiful to walk past down by the river. Just glorious. Can't help but to make you smile, these sun-soaked little flowers definitely keep the sunny side up. Reminds me of the song we sang at school, "Daisies are our silver, buttercups our gold" or was that a hymn? I must look it up, haven't heard that tune for so many years, I wonder if it is still sung in schools. I was always confused by that song as I was never sure if the words were, "buttercups our gold" or "buttercups are gold" and so I would spend most of the time whilst the rest of the school sang away just thinking about which word it was and what it meant. I think I take after my mother, who when she was a little girl, wondered why she had to "follow Julie". Who was this Julie and what did she have to do with Jesus. I'm not sure how many years later she discovered that she should have been following 'duly'. I'm still not totally sure of the our/are question. But seeing as these tiny prolific bright yellow flowers are everywhere, I imagine that they are indeed ours, for all of us to see and enjoy and stick under your chin. Buttercups have a very important role in finding out whether or not you like butter, everyone had to have a buttercup held under their chin when I was a child, in order to see if the chin would glow bright yellow thus proving a love of butter. Fact. You couldn't deny it as the buttercup never lied. I am a lover of butter, when my daughter was little she once saw a tub of, let's call it, 'an alternative spread' and she looked puzzled, "Mummy, we don't want that, we want real butter, not believing butter". Her chin went yellow too. You see, it's true.